Our Church Council is the backbone of our congregation. We entrust them to show our members the possibilities and potential for ministry within and beyond the walls of the church. Each Church council member takes charge of administration in a specific guiding principle: New Life Through Worship, Life-Long Faith Formation, Gifts to Love & Serve, Christ Centered Relationships. They are the liaison with ministry leaders, providing encouragement & support, reporting updates and needs of their particular ministry to the Council.
Council members gain a better understanding of the church while serving in thier leadership capacity. They experience the joy of working with and forming friendships with other members of the congregation. They have the opportunity to grow in their relationship with God and in their understanding of ministry.
Patty Braget - President Tammy Good - Vice President Laurie Turner - Secretary Kelsey Johnson - Treasurer Chris Gleason Shannon Marr Randy Gilbertson Jeanne Rankin Kian Ryan